Citizens for Alternatives to Longview Power (CALP)It Ain't Built Yet. |
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Your Comments are Needed!YOUR COMMENTS NEEDED STILL! Tell the Public Service Commission of WV (PSC) that you still don't want Longview. Please send comments to the PSC. WRITE A LETTER, MAKE A PHONE CALL, AND SEND AN E MAILStart with your local newspaper, the Mon County Commission, and the Mon County Development Authority. If you do not live in Monongalia County, call or write to your county commission as well. Work your way up from there. Mail to U.S Senators and Representatives in Washington is slow, so please consider writing to their state/local offices or faxing your letter to Washington. Here are a few tips on writing effective letters to public officials (from the League of Women Voters Guide to Government Officials):
Commissioners | Phone Number | Term Ends |
Bob Bell | 291-7257 | 2004 |
John Pyles | 291-7257 | 2008 |
Asel Kennedy | 291-7257 | 2006 |
Assessor |
Rodney Pyles | 291-7222 | 2004 |
E Mail: Ask that a copy of your message or letter be placed in the Longview file so that it will be in the public record. |
The following information was obtained from the Development Authorityís web site (some of it is dated, for example, Jim Gaston replaced one of the following members, but which one?):
Name | Term Expires |
Don Reinke, Executive Director | ---- |
Barry Pallay | |
Paul DeVore | |
Joe Strakal | |
Scott Rotruck | |
Ed Cosner | |
Sally Collins | |
Pat Esposito | |
Richard Harvey | |
Tim Saab | |
Tom Witt | |
John Spears | |
Michael Callen | |
Caulton Irwin | |
David Marino | |
David Yoder | |
Dan Boroff (City of Morgantown) | Ex-Officio |
John Pyles (Mon County Commission) | Ex-Officio |
Allen Sharpe (Star City) | Ex-Officio |
Joseph Janco ? (Westover) | Ex-Officio |
Bobby Lemley (Blacksville) | Ex-Officio |
Patricia Lewis (Granville) | Ex-Officio |
The Mon County Development Authority passed the Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement with GenPower for Longview Power without any dissenting votes.
Write the Dominion Post
Include your name, address, and telephone number (so they can verify). Type and double space your letter and send it by electronic mail to or by standard mail to:
The Dominion Post
1251 Earl Core Rd
Morgantown WV 26505
Write the Herald-Standard.
E mail you letter to Luanne Traud at , Editorial page editor, Phone:(724) 439-7635, Newsroom FAX: (724) 439-7559, Toll-free: 1-800-342-8254
Write the Tribune-Review.
Letters to the Editor
622 Cabin Hill Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
or E mail to
or fax to (724) 838-5171
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