Citizens for Alternatives to Longview Power (CALP)It Ain't Built Yet. |
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How you can help Citizens for Alternatives to Longview Power (CALP)CALP is committed to educating the community about the REAL impacts of GenPower's proposed (and aptly named) Longview Power Plant. Each of our articles on this site, and each report on our partner site here and you can read more reports on why we should stop this coal power plant and how we can help. CALP is working hard to prevent another coal-fired power plant from being built in our area. Many resident do not even know that they will be giving a tax break to a for-profit (big $$$) Massachusetts-based company that will pollute their air, raise their electricity rates, and ruin their beautiful mountain view! We already have 10 power plants in our immediate area -- 7 of which are coal fired. Longview will not cause any of the older power plants to shut down, it will just add to the pollution. You can help in the following ways:
Monongalia County Commission Commissioners John Pyles, Robert Bell, Asel Kennedy Here is a list of other people to contact.
Home | FAQs | Coal Conveyor and Truck Routes | Background | Air Pollution | Visual Impact | Reasons to Oppose | Location Map | Alternatives | Links/Supporting Groups | SPEAK OUT! | Terminology | Editorials | Contact Us | Links | Petitions | LONGVIEW IS SHORT SIGHTED!