Citizens for Alternatives to Longview Power (CALP)It Ain't Built Yet. |
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BLOGUpdates and Commentary on WrongviewAnother Bait and Switch: Longview wants to draw water from Mon; Citizens file legal Complaint We received very interesting data for consideration in this article from the dissertation discussion chapter which was devoted to the topic of environmental pollution by power plants and factories. Hazy days: Longview (being built on the hillside in the upper left) above the active 1150 MW Ft. Martin power plant. Longview will add to the haze produced by the already poor air quality in this area (Photo: S. Maxwell, Aug 2008). Longview Financing in Trouble August 2008. Longview Power, LLC abandoned an auction of 49% of the power plant because the successful bidders wanted more control. Longview has gone back to the mezzanine financing it attempted in June 208 but abandoned because no one wants it. Longview is hurriedly throwing up steel so it can appear to be moving along. WV Union workers have made no stink about the structural steel which was all made and fabricated in China. No Severance Tax for WV? The promise of all the severance taxes poor little West Virginia will receive from the coal ostensibly being mined for Longview will mostly go to Pennsylvania. Three of the four mine portals for Dana Mining / MEPCO / Laurita are in PA! NOT on Schedule and NOT under Budget July 2008. The VP for Longview Power, LLC has gone on a PR campaign to tell anyone who will listen that it is on schedule and under budget. Ah, but we remember when the power plant was supposed to cost only $940 million and be generating electricity by 2007. Which budget and schedule are Longview referring to? Now Longview wants more It's not enough that Longview Power, LLC received a tax break and is not giving the Public Service Commission all the information it requested. Now in late 2007 they want to submit a Letter of Credit, that must be renewed every year and becomes the PSC's responsibility (in other words, the public's responsibility), instead of the agreed-upon escrow account. They aren't satified with getting away with disregarding the PSC's Orders; they always ask for more more more... The PSC has so far told them they must stick with the original agreement, but Longview Power continues to push the Letter of Credit issue. When will the PSC finally tell Longview to obey their Orders or have the permit rescinded? The Real Cost of Electricity from Coal The people at have used Google Earth in a creative way. See their photo gallery, slideshows, and videos.
What's Left of Kayford Mountain
Hmmmmm... Pretty (click for Appalachian Voices) Coal is a dinosaur; can the proposed Longview survive in an age of carbon caps? With all the talk about global warming and carbon storage/sequestration, will the coal-fired Longview Power plant be financially viable? Construction Trailers and Temporary Structureshave been built on the property for the proposed Longview power plant. So far, none of the permanent structures are in place. Construction seems to be moving slowly (November 2007). Longview gets slapped by the PSC for calling everything a "trade secret"August 2007The following (with emphasis added) is a quote from a Memo from the PSC Staff to Longview Power, LLC: "Staff believes Longview needs to provide more information than the above filings are trade secrets as Staff believes these filings do not contain any specialized knowledge. ... ... Longview should have been much more diligent prior to filing its documents. The Public Service Commission should rarely protect information so as to keep the information away from the public. Thus, the Commission should not be put in a position of holding information while Longview takes its time to decide what information is in the public domain and what information is not. More importantly, Longview should NOT file information under seal and simply wait for another party or a member of the public to “catch” Longview and note a document is in the public domain or does not otherwise fall within an exemption of FOIA or meet the test set forth above for determining whether a document should be accorded protective treatment. ... If Longview is engaging in other activities than those listed above and if the Commission returns all filings made under seal in March, April and May 2007, then Staff recommends that the Commission order Longview to cease and desist from any construction activities ...(emphasis added). Hearing Goes Well for NoLongview Plaintiffs in Federal CourtOpponents to Longview get a fair hearing in Federal court on February 23, 2007. Longview is left scrambling and resorts to threats against Plaintiffs' attorney. Legal Complaint against Longview and others filed in Federal CourtUSEPA also notified that Air Permit is invalidA Complaint was filed yesterday, February 13, 2007, in the United State District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia (Clarksburg) on behalf of the Plaintiffs Jarrett F. Jamison III, the Fort Martin Community Association, and the Forks of Cheat Forest Property Owners Association. LONGVIEW WANTS TO INCREASE IN SIZE! Claims permit modification not necessary... December 2006In a letter to the WV Public Service Commission, Longview says it wants to increase in size another 95 megawatts, but does not need to modify its permit! How can an almost 16% increase in electricity generation not result in an increase noise and air pollution emissions? Longview admits it will need more cooling water and larger buildings, but says nothing else will change. The PSC did not permit a 695 MW facility; it permitted a 600 MW facility. November 2006: Community of Fort Martin Appeals Longview Stormwater PermitThe Fort Martin Community Association appealed the flawed stormwater permit granted to the proposed Longview project by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). State Supreme Court Chooses not to Hear Appeal, Oct. 24, 2006Concerned Citizens, CALP, CLEAR, CRD and other challenge the Public Service Commissions conditional Siting Certificate and Transmission Line permit. Allegheny Power says electricity rates will increase because of Longview!Read Allegheny's legal brief to the PSC here. LONGVIEW IN TROUBLE! February 24, 2006: PSC Staff Rips Longview!In a response to Longview, the PSC Staff lets Longview have it for late filings and other bad behavior. Read it here. Show Me the $$$ ...One of the PSC's requirements that Longview still refuses to address is proof that the Longview project is financially viable. Read the full story here. March 21, 2006: Public Service Commission holds Court Hearing in CharlestonThe PSC is tired of Longview late and incomplete answers. February 21, 2006: PSC's Public Hearing in MorgantownComments opposing Longview outnumbered comments supporting it 7 to 1! The public repeatedly brought up the fact that Longview has not provided all of the information requested by the Public Service Commission, and Longview is not in the Public Interest.Click here to read the transcript of the public hearing. December 23, 2005: Longview re-files map to WV Public Service Commission for transmission-line permit. Says original map had power line in wrong place.Your letters are needed. See right sidebar for links to talking points. October 13, 2005: Longview applies to WV Public Service Commission for transmission-line permit.Longview also says it has met the information requirements for a final Siting Certificate. CALP disagrees. August 2005: CALP Appeals Circuit Court Ruling over the Longview Power Plant's Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement to the WV Supreme CourtA diverse group of citizens' organizations and individuals appeals the local court's decision to the State Supreme Court.
SITE CHOSEN FOR NEW UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOLThe Monongalia County (West Virginia) Board of Education (BOE) recently announced its preferred location for the new University High School. The new school will have an incredible view of the Longview Power Plant, a project it unanimously endorsed at its June 18, 2003 meeting. |
Check the PSC's web docket to see what has been submitted to date. To look up information on Longview go here. You may need to click on Case Search and type Longview in the name field (must allow cookies). Once on the page, double-click on the Case Number to see details. LONGVIEW LEASE AGREEMENT Here is the Lease Agreement between Longview Power and the County signed in late 2003.
HEALTH STUDIES Vince Collins, legal counsel for the Mon County Development Authority tells the New York Times "I can't believe how large and hideous they are." He is referring to windmills, not coal-fired power plants. He has abandoned plans to build a vacation home on property he owns near Thomas, WV. Maybe he can build his second home in Fort Martin? Circulate a PETITION at work, at school, in your neighborhood, at your place of worship... Here is how you can HELP US!!!! |